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Notebook and Pen

My Writing Journey with Bright Halo

Inside the Author's Mind

As I work on completing and publishing

Season One of Young Adult Fantasy, 

Bright Halo over 2022, 

I want to share my real thoughts and

progress for future readers. 

I will write mini journal entries at

important parts

of my writing journey.

Hope you enjoy it! 

- Randeletta Howson

My Writing Journey: Welcome

Journal Entry 1

Monday, 14 February 2022 - 9.17am 

I finally published Bright Halo Episode One on Friday for preorder on the 22nd February 2022 for Kindle. This is the beginning of my journey. I am currently revising and editing Episode 2, so it is ready to be released in March 2022.  It's my birthday on Wednesday so I am glad that I am into the new year of my life moving forward on my dreams. 

My Writing Journey: Text

How I Beat My Writing Procrastination 

Listen to Music

Tip 1 

I like to create Writing Playlist on Spotify filled with whimsical and airy music
listen to songs with lyrics that fit the current book or emotions I am trying to converge in my story.

Take a Self Care Break

Tip 2 

I always make sure to take weekends off from my writing but if I am really struggling to writing during the weekdays, I like to take a nice bubble bath or play video games. And I always find that when I have relaxed my mind, I have fresh new ideas and am ready to write again.

Set a mini writing goal or word count

Tip 3 

If you are avoiding your manuscript like the plague. Maybe just set a small and achieve goal of maybe writing 200 words or editing/revising on a small paragraph of a certain chapter. Whenever I do this, I always find myself writing more than the word count I chose as it gets me into the flow of the story.

Read a book or article or watch youtube videos about writing

Tip 4 

If you really can't write, read or watch videos about writing as you still learning about the craft and maybe it will give you inspiration. And whatever is holding you back, there is a author or writer that you can relate to. So they are bound to have tips and advice to help you. 

Use a Writing Prompt

Tip 5 

You can literally find writing prompts everywhere. If you are feel a bit frustrated and can't work on your current project. Write about anything else, a short 500 word story or a journal entry. You will still get your writing practice done and it would help with your current project you are working on.

Get some fresh air

Tip 6 

Sometimes if you have been staring at your screen for hours, it is best to go get some fresh air. Go for a walk or sit in the garden. Maybe yet, go errands, go shopping, go and have fun. You will feel better and you clear your mind and refresh your mind. So when you do back to your writing, you can actually write.

My Writing Journey: List


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Image by Florian Klauer
My Writing Journey: Contact

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

My Writing Journey: Quote

Lloyd Alexander

“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.”

My Writing Journey: Quote
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